Friday, August 04, 2006

Hack and Slash!

I've started working on a couple of Ruby on Rails projects of late, moving toward doing contract web programming full-time. I must be showing my true geek factor when, sitting here near midnight on a Friday I'm bouncing in my chair at getting htmldoc to properly print user-defined pages to pdf, the words 'hack and slash' slipping through my mind as the best descriptor of having just taken one piece of code and hacked and slashed it to get it to do something a bit different.

I'd sing the praises of Ruby on Rails (never mind I was doing fairly serious programming in the language/framework a week after starting to learn it), but so many others have done such I'll leave you to search Google for the kudos.

I know I once bragged about my old employ, and while I still hold them in high regard, I've realized it's time for me to move on. A girl can only fix so many printer problems before she realizes she's never gonna get folks to stop asking her for help with this kind of stuff and let her code. Now I know why so many IT people seem snarly -- people tend to not ask you for help so much when they're afraid you'll bite them.

But I digress, and the witching hour is coming fast apon us. Oh, and I've already got a bug report of that bit of code I just upped. Ahhh, the life!


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